AI Law Consultancy

Artificial Intelligence, Algorithms, Machine Learning, Automated Decision Making, Equality, Data Protection and Human Rights

The use of Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and Automated Decision Making (ADM) is growing incredibly fast in every aspect of life. In September 2020 it was reported that over 40% of enterprises across the EU27, Norway, Iceland and the UK, have adopted at least one AI technology, and a quarter have adopted at least two, yet huge uncertainty remains about potential damages, data standardisation and regulatory obstacles. In October 2021 Deloitte’s report on the “State of AI in Enterprise” showed no halt to this during the pandemic. So developers, regulators, government, business, trade unions, NGOs, end-users, and their lawyers need easy access to expert advice on the relevant legal rules.

The AI Law Consultancy works with all of these groups, supporting their work and helping them to avoid breaches of Equality, Human Rights, Data Protection, and other relevant regulatory laws. This site sets out some key resources; for specific advice contact the Consultancy.

UK’s equality & human rights framework

AI legal standards

Data protection in the UK & Europe

TUC report

Beginner’s guide to key terms & concepts

Equinet report

AI in recruitment

Europe and AI Regulation

Government bodies in the UK

Business, industry & NGOs

AI in the public sphere

Our work

“black box”

Facial Recognition Technology